You Know You are Hungarian When...
Beküldte falu - 2008, április 3 - 12:19- When you use sour cream more than ketchup.
- When your parents come to visit for 3 weeks and you all stay in a one bedroom apartment.
- When feeding your guests is your main priority even if they claim they're not hungry and in which case you get slightly offended/upset that they don't want your hospitality.
- When someone says that Hungarian "is like Russian and all those other Slavic languages," and then you have to go into great detail about the origins of Hungarian with a scolding history lesson.
- When Paprika & Erős Pista are just as important as salt & pepper on the table & in food.
- When you know what Unicum is and prefer it over Jägermeister.
- When you know how to open a bottle of wine with only a screw and a pair of pliers.
- When you tell someone that you are Hungarian, they ask "Are you hungry?" Then you congratulate them on being the millionth person to say that to you.
- When you've heard, "If you're hungry, why not go to Turkey?" at least once in your life.
- When you have a relative who's named Attila, Géza, József, János or László.